Community Foundation Signs Agreement Establishing Bursary Fund
The Lac du Bonnet & District Charitable Foundation has signed an agreement with Dr. Gus Wruck establishing the Winnipeg River Education Bursary Fund. Dr. Wruck is establishing the fund with an initial endowment of $5000. The earnings from the endowment will be granted to deserving students pursing degrees in a healthcare profession including food-animal veterinary medicine. Secondary consideration will be given to students pursing degrees in science or agriculture. Special consideration will be given to a student expressing a wish to return to service in the Lac du Bonnet area.
The fund is a donor directed fund. Dr. Wruck will be the donor/advisor. Any addition to the fund is subject the condition that the capital be held in perpetuity for the maintenance of regular bursary awards. “I have established this fund with two thoughts in mind, the first is to promote the education of people with skills needed in the Community and secondly, to challenge other people in our community to make similar donations” said Dr. Wruck.